T5 UV Bulb For Lamp In 8 Stage Reverse Osmosis System
A reverse osmosis system will treat your tap water for drinking. It will remove from water such contaminants as: bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, carcinogenic and poisonous chemicals, rust and chlorine.
✶ You get crystal clear water, free of limescale – always a clean kettle without sediment.
✶ You will not need any more cartridges for the coffee machine.
✶ You don’t have to buy and carry water bottles.
✶ You will improve the quality of the taste and smell of water, brewed beverages and cooked dishes.
✶ Thanks to the built-in mineralizer, you will get the necessary elements needed for the proper functioning of the body, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
Lifetime of the bulb in the UV lamp approx 8 000 hours.
Stage 8
UV lamp
The operation of the UV lamp causes an immediate annihilation of up to 99.98 percent. viruses and bacteria that live in the water. It is a natural method of water disinfection, without the need to introduce toxic chemicals. The use of the lamp in front of the membrane significantly extends its life by up to 30%.
How to take care of the system?
The first 3 stages should be changed every 6 months.
Lifetime of the membrane is approx 3 to 5 years
5-7 Stage change every year.
Lifetime of the bulb in the UV lamp approx 8 000 hours.
Systems without a UV lamp should be disinfected at least once every 2 years.
We also offer 3 way taps – to avoid an extra hole in kitchen worktop.